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Soy Carina

Soy Carina

Chicago Mujer

Chi-Town Girl

Daughter of Guanajuantenses

Hija de Chichimeca

Mexicana en mis raices

Americana in my Spanglish

Soy Carina

4’11’’ ½”

Brown and Proud

Hermosa y Poderosa

Soy Carina

Looking through the lens of family history

My grandmother’s movement to detail as she sewed dresses

My grandmother’s love, wisdom, and clairvoyance ways

My grandfather’s hands working the fields until they were pinto beans

Soy Carina

Using color and pattern


Layer by layer


Stitch by stitch


One story at a time


Soy Carina

Crying and blooming

Accepting vulnerability as a gift

Las lagrimas curan mis heridas

De la obscuridad busco mi luz

Floreando con un petal

La rosa de mi jardin

Del jardin de mi hermana

El jardin de mi prima

El jardin de mi tia

El jardin de mi abuela

El jardin de mi madre

Espinas me fortalecen al nacer

Florecita de mi alma

Llorando y floreando

Soy Carina

Honoring my ancestors

Admiring my teachers

Valuing the present

Acknowledging the past

Building on connections

Working in community

I am Carina

Untitled Heart


applique and quilted on cotton, 28" x 43"


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